Moon phase and times of moonrise and moonset

We can calculate the moonrise, moonset, the moon phase, visible surface of the moon and its distance from the earth for almost any place on Earth and for any date of the year. Select date and a place and see the results.

London, United Kingdom - Moonrise and moonset in September 10, 2024

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2024 Moon phase Moonrise | Moonset Visible moon surface Distance to Earth
Sep Rise Set Rise [km]
1 03:58 19:36 4,4 % 397.170
2 05:13 19:48 1,3 % 400.472
3 02:56 06:26 19:58 0,0 % 403.007
4 07:36 20:08 0,6 % 404.687
5 08:45 20:17 3,1 % 405.456
6 09:55 20:27 7,1 % 405.285
7 11:06 20:39 12,8 % 404.171
8 12:20 20:54 19,8 % 402.138
9 13:35 21:14 27,9 % 399.244
10 Waxing crescent 14:51
37,0 % 395.587
11 07:06 16:00 22:28 46,8 % 391.308
12 16:59 23:29 57,0 % 386.601
13 17:42 67,2 % 381.702
14 00:47 18:13 77,0 % 376.882
15 02:16 18:35 85,8 % 372.430
16 03:48 18:52 93,0 % 368.626
17 05:21 19:06 97,9 % 365.719
18 03:36 06:54 19:18 99,9 % 363.903
19 08:26 19:32 99,0 % 363.298
20 09:59 19:48 95,0 % 363.939
21 11:32 20:08 88,4 % 365.779
22 13:04 20:35 79,8 % 368.687
23 14:28 21:13 69,8 % 372.466
24 19:52 15:37 22:07 59,3 % 376.870
25 16:28 23:14 48,6 % 381.626
26 17:03 38,3 % 386.458
27 00:30 17:27 28,8 % 391.108
28 01:46 17:44 20,3 % 395.350
29 03:02 17:57 13,1 % 399.000
30 04:15 18:08 7,3 % 401.920
New Moon
First quarter
Full Moon
Last quarter


  • Moonrise can take place after the moonset.
  • Moonrise or moonset does not occur in the particular date and / or location. Both situations are pretty normal.
  • The azimuth (0°-360°) is a horizontal angular measurement. The azimuth is the angle between the north vector and the projection of the star or moon down onto the horizon, e.g. if the moon is exactly on the east, then its azimuth is exactly 90°.

Moon Phases Calendar - September 2024, London

The Moon phase cycle repeats on average every 29.53 days. The approximate phase of the Moon can be calculated for any date by calculating the number of days since a known New Moon (such as January 16, 2014) and dividing this number by 29.530588853. The difference between two dates can be calculated by subtracting the Julian Day Number of one from that of the other. The estimation is not exact because it assumes a perfectly circular orbit. The calculation may be off by several hours. The distance of the Moon from the earth varies because of the Moon´s elliptical orbit. The distance usually varies between about 363 345 km and 405 500 km. The closes distance to the earth could be however approximately 357.000 kilometer.

When is the next Super Moon? According to Nolle´s definition of the Super Moon, the distance of the New or Full Moon to the earth should not exceed 361.863 kilometers. The Full Moon on January 21st and on February 19th is the next Supermoon in 2019.

1 12:27 12:48 06:22
2 23:20 04:15 19:50
3 15:25 02:56
4 03:32 12:14
5 23:59
6 13:40
8 19:23 04:24 15:27
9 23:00 05:56
10 09:02 19:56
11 11:58 07:06
12 16:19
13 23:49
14 06:19
15 20:14 12:49 21:29 09:02
16 15:02
17 04:11 12:27
18 03:53 03:36
19 19:28
21 11:19
22 02:10 22:19
23 14:55 01:29
24 12:31 00:51 19:52 09:05
25 17:54 07:01
26 10:28
28 22:55 03:54
30 18:13 22:27
31 12:27 06:22
New Moon
First quarter
Full Moon
Last quarter

Moon Phases Calendar 2024

Full Moon Time:
25 January, Thursday 17:54:43
24 February, Saturday 12:31:20
25 March, Monday 7:01:37
24 April, Wednesday 0:51:09
23 May, Thursday 14:55:53
22 June, Saturday 2:10:32
21 July, Sunday 11:19:51
19 August, Monday 19:28:35
18 September, Wednesday 3:36:43
17 October, Thursday 12:27:55
15 November, Friday 21:29:37
15 December, Sunday 9:02:34