Local time and time zone in London, United Kingdom
What is the local time now in London and get the time difference between London and another location. Does London have the Daylight Saving Time now? What is the time zone offset of United Kingdom to UTC?
Place : | London, United Kingdom |
Date : | Thursday, 03 October 2024 |
Local Time now : |
Time Zone : | GMT+1 - British Summer Time |
Daylight Saving Time now : | |
DST starts : | 31 March, Sunday |
DST ends : | 27 October, Sunday |
Time zone difference to UTC : | +01:00 |
Place: | , |
Date: | |
Local Time now : |
Time Zone : | |
Daylight Saving Time now : | |
DST starts : | |
DST ends : | |
Time zone difference to UTC: |
The time difference between the locations is .